Monday, September 13, 2021

Daily Devotion: Finding Life

Bible Reading: Matthew 10:32-42

Key Verse: Verse 39 – “He that findeth his life shall it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.”

Key Words: he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it

Living this life for earthly reasons is a dead end street. For what have you gained if you gain the whole world and lose your own soul? Finding life for ourselves should never be our purpose nor our goal. Our purpose and goal should be losing our lives so we can live for God’s glory.

Tony Evans writes: “I remember distinctly one Christmas all my children being gathered around in great anticipation of opening the gifts. The gifts had been wrapped with ribbons and my kids were excited! Paper began flying everywhere as they hurriedly unwrapped their gifts. The gifts had cost a lot of money and they had all been well-packaged. With great vim and vitality, the children began the process of unwrapping every gift. However, I remember the statement that was made by one of them. After all of the gifts had been unwrapped, the question was asked, ‘Is that all there is?’”

Evidently some of you have experienced that. Many have unwrapped life and then wanted to know, is that all there is?

Today I challenge each of us to lose our life for the life the Lord has for us.

What to do:
✞ Lose your life so you can live His life.

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