Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Daily Devotion: Peace

Bible Reading: Psalm 37:27-40

Key Verse: Verse 37 - "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace."

Key Words: Mark the perfect man

Remember, the word perfect means one that is expanded, complete, mature. You can tell the mature believer by the peace they have in the midst of the storms of life.

I am reminded of a story I read recently written by Tim Hansel.

“In my late twenties, a bunch of my friends and I decided to sail around the world. I have to admit, though, at the time I was a bit worried. I hadn't even sailed before. I was uneasy and anxious. So I spent a lot of time reading the Bible and praying about it, until it dawned on me that God was whispering, ‘Tim, I'll give you peace if you read some books on sailing. The reason you're anxious is not due to lack of prayer, but to your lack of sailing knowledge.’

“I wasn't unprayerful; I was unskilled. So I took a step I needed to take to ‘let’ God work His peace in my heart. I began reading about sailing.”

Our lack of peace comes from our lack of faith in God; and our lack of faith in God comes from our lack of knowledge of God’s Word. But you truly know the perfect man. He has peace in the midst of the storms of life.

What to do:
✞ Trust God. Know His Word. Have peace in the midst of the storm.

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