Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Daily Devotion: It’s Settled

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:89-96

Key Verse: Verse 89 - "LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven."

Key Words: thy word is settled

The word settled means to permanently stand, to be forever established. Because of this I can rely on God’s Word. The importance of this is that my spiritual growth comes from God’s Word. If it is unsettled, then I will be unsettled. If it fails, I fail. My spiritual growth and walk is firmly established in and through the Word of God.

It is beyond the reach of man. No person, however clever, confident, or confused, will permanently change God's Word. Foolish is anyone who tampers with God’s Word. Foolish is the one who tries to get rid of God’s Word. As has been said, Diocletian harnessed the resources of the Roman Empire to stamp out the Bible; he might as well have tried to stop the blowing of the wind. Voltaire held up a copy of the Bible and said, “In fifty years I’ll have this book in the morgue.” In fifty years he was in the morgue and the Geneva Bible Society owned his house and used it to store Bibles.

God’s Word is settled in heaven. The galaxies will pass away but God’s Word will remain, far beyond the reach of all its foes, forever settled in Heaven.

The reason we live in an unsettled world is because so few people have settled into God’s Word.

What to do:

✞ God’s Word is not only settled, it also settles.

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