Saturday, February 19, 2022

Daily Devotion: Poor in Spirit vs. Proud in Spirit

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:3 and Isaiah 6:1-5

Key Verse:  Verse Matt 5:3 - "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Key Words:  poor in spirit

The first message Jesus preached in his public ministry was what we call The Beattitudes, and his first point was humility.

No wonder!  Jesus humbled Himself and became obedient to God the Father.

Pride kills!!  It kills the will of God; it kills a proper Godly spirit; it kills others; it kills the desire of others to follow us.  Pride kills.

"Pali, this bull has killed me." So said Jose Cubero, one of Spain's most brilliant matadors, before he lost consciousness and died.

Only 21 years old, he had been enjoying a spectacular career. However, in this 1958 bullfight, Jose made a tragic mistake. He thrust his sword a final time into a bleeding, delirious bull, which then collapsed. Considering the struggle finished, Jose turned to the crowd to acknowledge the applause. The bull, however, was not dead. It rose and lunged at the unsuspecting matador, its horn piercing his back and puncturing his heart.

Just when we think we've finished off pride, just when we turn to accept the congratulations of the crowd, pride stabs us in the back.  We should never consider pride dead before we are.

What to do:
✞ Remember, Jesus was humble, Satan wasn't.

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