The Christian, the person who
resembles Christ, understands that God is working all things out for His glory
and our good while the religious person has a difficult time when things are
not going as he thinks they should (see Absalom in II Samuel for an example).
Everyone who prays has felt the disappointment
of an ungranted request. Our response at
a time like this is a matter of great importance. We may either turn against God or be drawn
closer to Him.
The well-known agnostic, H. G.
Wells, became angry when he prayed and didn't get what he wanted. While taking an accounting exam for which he
was not prepared, he desperately pleaded with the Lord to "balance his
books." When the figures didn't add
up properly, he said, "All right, Mr. God, You won't ever catch me praying
again!" And he never did.
Compare this with King David's
attitude. He didn't receive his request
either when he asked that the life of his small son be spared. The prophet Nathan had told him the youngster
would die, but the king pleaded earnestly with God to withdraw the penalty for
his sin with Bathsheba. Yet the answer
was no, and the child died. In response,
David put on his best garments and worshipped God in the temple. Instead of rebelling, he said with assurance
that someday he would be reunited with his son.
What a contrast in the way these
two men reacted! H. G. Wells went on to
live without faith and without hope. But
David continued to have fellowship with the Lord. He lived to see the birth of Solomon, who was
destined to become his successor to the throne.
What to do:
✞ Always understand that God is working all things together for His glory and your good. A proper Christian attitude will always help you respond correctly to the challenge of being told "no."
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