Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Daily Devotion: What You Are vs. What You Do

Bible Reading:  James 1:17-27

Key Verse: Verse 27 - Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Key Words: To keep

Not all religion is bad.  What we do is important, but what we are is more important!

Pure religion will visit those in need.  The word visit means to meet their need, to aid, to help.  Pure religion will also keep oneself from being spotted (tainted) by the world.  I guess you could say “pure” religion can never be fulfilled without being Christ-like or Christian.  We don’t do these things to be saved: that’s impure religion.  We do these things because we are saved: that’s Christianity.

Pure religion draws attention to Christ, while impure religion draws attention to self…”hey, everyone look at me!”

If a person was to walk around with a big, red stain on his shirt, most of us would notice.  We’d be thinking thoughts like, “He’s got a stain on his shirt!” or “Boy, how could his wife let him come out of the house like that with a stain on his shirt?” or “Boy, he’s sure unclean and unkempt.”  That stain would be a distraction.  It would do more than damage that one spot; it would detract from the impression of the whole person.

Some Christians brag because their whole life isn’t filthy.  You whole life doesn’t have to be filthy.  All you need is a stain.
What to do:
✞ If you want to be religious, then be of the “pure religion” persuasion.

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