Monday, November 8, 2021

Daily Devotion: The Meaning of Thanks

Source: Wikipedia, Public Domain

Bible Reading:  II Samuel 22:44-51

Key Verse: Verses 50 – “Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.”

Key Words: Therefore I will give thanks

In chapter twenty-three and verse one, we are told that the last thing David did on this earth was to give thanks to God.

Have you ever wondered what the word thanks really means?

There is a method of Bible study known as the first-mention principle.  The idea is that the first time you find a word in the Bible, it will carry that meaning throughout the entire Word of God.  Well, the first time we find the word thanks is in our text, II Samuel 22:50.  It appears that the meaning is to look back on what has occurred; and you will see that God has not done something to you, but rather has allowed something to happen for you.  If we would all look at the events in our lives as God allowing something for us, it would certainly help us from becoming sour and bitter toward God and people.

I read the following article and found it quite applicable:

“It is said that in Africa there is a fruit called the ‘taste berry,’ because it changes a person’s taste so that everything eaten tastes sweet and pleasant.  Sour fruit, even if eaten several hours after the ‘taste berry,’ becomes sweet and delicious.  Gratitude is the ‘taste berry’ of Christianity, and when our hearts are filled with gratitude, nothing that God sends us seems unpleasant to us.  Sorrowing heart, sweeten your grief with gratitude.  Burdened soul, lighten your burden by singing God’s praises.  Disappointed one, dispel your loneliness by making others grateful.  Sick one, grow strong in soul, thanking God that He loves you enough to chasten you.  Keep the ‘taste berry’ of gratitude in your hearts, and it will do for you what the ‘taste berry’ of Africa does for the African.”

What to do:
✞ Do not look at events as what man is doing, but look at events as what God is allowing.
Apply Romans 8:28.
Stay in God’s Word.  It will be your “taste berry.”

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