Monday, November 15, 2021

Daily Devotion: Giving of Thanks

Bible Reading:  Ephesians 5:1-20

Key Verse: Verse 20 – “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;”  

Key Words: Giving thanks always for all things

A recent survey of 12,000 people who said that they were faithful in their church attendance revealed just how ignorant the American people are in spiritual matters.  For example:

Ø      Only 57% or 6,840 people out of 12,000 knew where Jesus was born.

Ø      Only 53% knew who Goliath was.

Ø      Only  51% knew where the Ten Commandments could be found.

Ø      Only 49% knew who led Israel out of Egypt.


In verses nineteen through twenty-one, we are given the three-fold results of being filled with the Spirit. There will be…

1.     a song in our hearts (a merry heart).  (Verse 19)

2.    thankfulness for all things.  (Verse 20)

3.    a submissive spirit.  (Verse 21)

For the sake of this devotion, I want to focus on verse twenty and the giving of thanks for all things.

I have found that each of us are very thankful for the “apparent blessings,” but we often fail to thank God for those blessings which we tend to overlook.  Let me give you an example:

The parents of a young man who was killed in the war gave their church a check for $200 as a memorial to their loved one.  When the presentation was made, another war mother whispered to her husband, “Let us give the same for our boy.” 

The father said, “Why, what are you talking about?  Our boy didn’t lose his life.” 

The mother said, “That’s just the point.  Let us give it because he didn’t.”

How often we overlook the blessings of God, often because we are caught up with ourselves and all the cares of this world that surround us.  So let me encourage you to be alert to discern all the blessings of God, so that we can thank God for all His goodness.

What to do:
✞  Be discerning of all of God’s goodness.
Be thankful for things that do not happen, not just for things that do.
If your family has life and health, be thankful!

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