Thursday, January 21, 2021

Daily Devotion: The Judgment Seat Of Christ

Bible Reading: II Corinthians 5

Key Verse: Verse 10 - For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.”

Key Words: we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ

What we believe and how we behave will always go together. It’s like faith and works, salvation and redemption. Our beliefs and our behavior are joined together like Siamese twins.

Eve believed she could be just like God, so her behavior was to disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit.

Noah believed it was going to rain, so his behavior was to obey God and build an ark.

In Genesis 22, Abraham believed that God would always do right; and as a result, his behavior was a willingness to offer up Isaac as a burnt offering.

Peter believed that to be identified with Christ would cause the ruler to execute him (Matthew 26), so his behavior was to deny the Lord and curse.

What we believe will always go with our behavior.

When Dwight L. Moody was ministering at his large Sunday School and church in Chicago, people often called him “Crazy Moody.” In the eyes of the unsaved world, Moody was “crazy” to have given up a successful business career to become a Sunday School worker and evangelist; but time has proven his decision to be a wise one. Today, we don’t know the names of the people who laughed at him, but we do know – and honor – the name of D. L. Moody.

It behooves every Christian to examine his own life regularly to see if he is ready for the Judgment Seat of Christ. Wanting to give a good account before Christ is a worthy motive for Christian service.

If you really believe in the Judgment Seat of Christ, it will affect your behavior.

What to do:

✞ Evaluate what you really believe based upon your behavior:

    1. in your witness,

    2. your testimony,

    3. your faithfulness to God’s house,

    4. your tithing,

    5. your purity,

    6. your Bible study, and

    7. your prayer life.

Now, what do you really believe?

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