Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Daily Devotion: How About That!

Bible Reading: Acts 20:28-35

Key Verse: Verse 35 - "I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Key Words: how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak

The word weak means unable to work. Physically impotent is the clearest meaning. So the Lord tells us that we should support or help those who are not able to work.

It’s typically difficult to find believers who will labor to support those who can’t support themselves. I do believe that for those who cannot support themselves, it is their family’s responsibility first to take care of them; but when there is no family, then the church steps in. I do believe that is one of the reasons every believer should be a faithful member of a Bible-believing and Bible-teaching local church. The church should be willing to help those unable to supply for themselves. Let it never be said of us that we neglected one of our own.

There’s a clever young guy named Somebody Else. There’s nothing this guy can’t do. He’s busy from morning to way late at night just substituting for you. You’re asked to do this, or you’re asked to do that; and what is your ready reply? Get Somebody Else to do that job; he’ll do it much better than I. So much to do in this weary old world—so much work and yet workers are so few. Somebody Else, all weary and worn, is still substituting for you.

The next time you’re asked to do something worthwhile, just give this ready reply: “If Somebody Else can give time and support, my goodness, so can I.” Stop giving Somebody Else your job. Become a servant and watch what God will do for you, because He can also do it through you. You will discover it really is more blessed to give than to receive. What kind of servant are you?

What to do:
✞ Do what you can, when you can, while you can.

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