Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Daily Devotion: Now She Does

Bible Reading: Romans 12:9-21 

Key Verse: Verse 19 - “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is   written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”

Key Words: avenge not yourselves

Romans chapter twelve deals with the subject of service.  We are told in verse one to present our bodies as a living sacrifice; while in verse two we are given the task of not being conformed to this world, and in verse three we are told to be humble.  In verses four through eight we are given the gifts of service; then beginning in verse nine and going through verse twenty-one we are told how we are to conduct ourselves as God’s servants.

We are told in particular in verse nineteen that we are not to avenge ourselves.  When others mistreat us, we are to remember that we are not our own; and we must not attempt to get even.  I have found that people retaliate for one of two reasons.  First of all, people want to get even because their pride has been injured; or secondly, they want others to experience the same pain they have.

I read recently about a four-year-old who was screaming at the top of his lungs.  When his mother came running into the bedroom, she found the boy’s two-year-old sister pulling his hair.  The mother tried to calm down her four-year-old son. To help him understand the situation she said, “Honey, your little sister doesn’t know that hurts.” 

Within a few minutes she heard the two-year-old screaming.  When Mom arrived, the four-year-old son looked at her, smiled, and said, “She knows now.”

What to do:
    ✞ Pray for your enemies.
    ✞ Be a blessing to someone who has hurt you.  (I know this is not easy, but it is a part of the spiritual maturing process.)
    ✞ Always remember, “Vengeance is mine…saith the Lord.”

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