Friday, November 18, 2022

Daily Devotion: Look At Me!

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:1-16

Key Verse: Verse 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Key Words: that they may see…and glorify

We live in a world today that cries out, “Look at me!” Hollywood says “Look at me” through the movies they produce. The National Football League (NFL), the National Basketball Association (NBA), and the Major League Baseball (MLB), all say “Look at me!” Millions of dollars are spent every year by professional sports organizations advertising so that we will watch them on television. Why, even politicians cry out, “Look at me and hear my politics.” But we are not here to be lookers; as Christians, we are here to be a reflection of the light and character of Jesus.

Some years ago there was an article in Newsweek magazine entitled “The Fall of the Dinosaurs.” The article explored the downfall of corporate giants such aHonestly ask yourself, “Is my real desire for others to see me, or is it for others to see Jesus through me?”

We best reflect Jesus with 1) our faithfulness to God’s house, 2) a proper Godly attitude, and 3) a pleasant demeanor.s General Motors, IBM, and Sears. Tucked away in the article were these words, “The institutions of family, church, and government have long since lost their luster.” Whether the diminished luster is perceived or real, an illustration from Russian scientists may contain the answer for such a diminished view of the church. On February 4, 1993, offices at the flight control center in Moscow reported the successful deployment of a space reflector. The aluminum-covered disc was used by cosmonauts in the space station mirror to reflect light from the sun to the dark side of the earth. With a twenty-five foot disc in space, they were able to produce a two-mile circle of light on earth. Such a move placed Russia in the forefront of the reflective technology.

This thought brings me to the conclusion. If the church has lost its luster, it is due to the fact that we have joined the world, Hollywood, professional sports, and politics in crying out “Look at me,” rather than crying, “Look at Jesus through me.” How much greater would our impact be if we started being better mirrors of the SON!

What to do:
✞ Honestly ask yourself, “Is my real desire for others to see me, or is it for others to see Jesus through me?”
✞ We best reflect Jesus with 1) our faithfulness to God’s house, 2) a proper Godly attitude, and 3) a pleasant demeanor.

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