Sunday, October 18, 2020

Daily Devotion: Power of Prayer

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:5-15

Key Verse: Verse 10 – “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

Key Words: Thy will be done

Thought: “Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our person; but they are helpless against our prayers.” ~ Sidlow Baxter

Most of us know the “Lord's Prayer” by heart. We have put it to memory. But the verse that shows us the power of God: God's will be done...and it always will be.

You know the Supreme Court is the highest court of appeals. They've got all kind of courts that lead up to the Supreme Court. The lower courts may make all kinds of decisions but if the Supreme Court decides to hear a case, it is irrelevant what other courts have decided. If the Supreme Court decides it will hear an issue, it doesn't matter what the lower courts have decided. Only what the Supreme Court rules sticks, all other courts, no matter how powerful, just or unjust, must pale in significance when the Supreme Court rules.

I don't know who has made a decision for your life. I don't know what court has ruled on your circumstances. It may have been the court of your employer who has ruled that you will never leave this position. It may be the court of your finances has decided you will never better your lifestyle. It may be the court of the doctor that said we can't fix this disease. But at least, appeal it to the Supreme Court. At least, place it on the docket up there so that God can decide what the final rendering is. If He takes the case, it doesn't matter what the court of your employer has said, or the court of your doctor has said, because when that court speaks all other courts become irrelevant. You can be happy today because He's sovereign and He sits on the throne.

Thy will be done!!

What to do:

When you are tired of being spurned, rejected, opposed, and despised, try praying.

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