Friday, October 16, 2020

Daily Devotion: Circumstances

Bible Reading: I Samuel 18:1-11

Key Verse: Verse 8 – “And Saul was very wroth, and the saying displeased him; and he said, They have ascribed unto David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed but thousands: and what can he have more but the kingdom?”

Key Words: what can he have more but the kingdom?

Thought: Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% what attitude I have toward it.

It wasn't your ideal wedding. When Victoria LeMelle and Roger Compton tied the knot on May 2, 1992, their wedding was well-planned, but they didn't count on the riots that broke out in South-Central Los Angeles. The bride's dress was stolen, the groom's tux was looted, and both the cameraman and the limo service canceled at the last minute. Only the caterer and flowers came through. Nonetheless, the couple went on with the ceremony in a sanctuary filled with the scent of flowers and smoke. The honeymoon was placed on hold because they couldn't get out of their riot-torn neighborhood in time to board their scheduled cruise. "I'm happy anyway," said the bride. "We just decided we weren't going to let a bunch of ignorant people get in our way. May 2 was our day, and nobody was going to stop us." Although riots aren't an everyday occurrence, there are plenty of adversities which bombard us each week. We must not allow "less than ideal" circumstances to rob us of our joy and peace as God's children.

Always remember, a bad attitude from circumstances comes when we have a life “about me!”

What to do:

✞ Remember, life is not about you and life is not about me, but life is all about Jesus Christ.

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