Friday, October 9, 2020

Daily Devotion: The Measure of a Person

Bible Reading: I Samuel 16:1-13

Key Verse: Verse 7 – “But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”

Key Words: the Lord looketh on the heart

Thought: When God measures a man, He puts a tape measure around his heart, not his head.

Women take a lot of time and attention to make sure they look glorious. They are a lot like my wife. If I tell her we have to go somewhere at 7:00, at 6:00 she “goeth” before the mirror of her glory. She goes to work. She pulls out eye mascara, eye-liner, foundation, rollers, curlers, a hot iron, and stuff I can't even pronounce. In one hour she is transformed before my very eyes.

We go to the car; the car is in the garage, so she doesn't have to go outside first to mess up her glory. She can go straight to the car, and keep all her glory intact. The first thing she does is to pull out the visor to check the glory she just put on. When we get to the building we are traveling to, we go in and come to the elevator. Guess what? There's a mirror in the elevator, to double-check her glory. When we arrive at our floor and get off the elevator, my wife will make a beeline for the powder room. Now, there is nothing wrong with a wife who seeks to be glorious. The Bible says that a woman is the glory of the man and I don't mind my wife making me look good.

But God is looking for even more. He wants us to be glorious on the inside, not merely on the outside. Far too many women are elegant on the outside, but bargain basement on the inside: evil-spirited, evil attitude, disregarding, disrespectful. Remember, God is not measuring us by that which is outward, but He is measuring our heart.

What to do:

✞ Ask yourself and answer honestly: which measurement is greater, my head or my heart?

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