Friday, December 16, 2022

Daily Devotion: Witnessing For Jesus

Bible Reading: II Timothy 2:1-15 

Key Verse: Verse 13 - If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.”

Key Words: he abideth faithful

As you read the book of II Timothy, you begin to see that Jesus was a faithful witness. It matters not if we believe, Jesus will still be a faithful witness; He cannot deny Himself.

Now this raises an interesting question: Are we being a faithful witness?

Muhammed Ali no longer “floats like a butterfly,” but let me assure you, he still “stings like a bee.” The legendary boxer has turned his energies toward witnessing, but it is not for Christ. One reporter said, “This is a man who is as sure about his purpose in life as he was about his talents in the ring.” Ali once said, “I wasn’t just put here to box. Boxing made me famous and gave people a reason to listen to me. I was put here to teach the Islamic faith.”

Recently two reporters jumped at Ali’s invitation to come up to his private suite after a banquet. They went expecting to get an exclusive interview. Instead, they got an hour of preaching. The former three-time heavyweight boxing champion had a twenty-page document containing what he believed to be discrepancies in the Bible. He then said, “People have argued for centuries about which religion is right and which religion is wrong.” Then waving the Qu’ran in front of them, he said, “This is the truth.”

Now, while Muhammed Ali was a great boxer, he is not a great theologian. He is greatly deceived; but his enthusiasm, zeal, and purpose should certainly be an inspiration to those of us who have and know the truth about the Faithful One, Jesus Christ.

What to do:
✞ Be faithful in your witness.
✞ Be bold, but loving in your witness.
✞ Pray for God to open doors of opportunity for you to witness.

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