D. L. Moody, Wikipedia, Public Domain |
The book of Acts is often referred to as the Acts of the Apostles, but the book is more the Acts of Jesus through the lives of the Apostles.
In Acts we see such miracles as Jesus’ ascension (Acts 1:11), salvation (Acts 16:32), Jesus’ brightness (Acts 9:3); but primarily in Acts we see the power of Jesus.
There is a great illustration of Jesus’ power as revealed in the life of D. L. Moody.
“In the fall of 1871, when Moody was speaking in Brooklyn, New York, his congregation dropped to eighteen. Moody despised failure. And then one night, after the service was over, an unknown woman said to him, ‘We have plenty of preaching in Brooklyn, what we need is to see Jesus.’
That broke his unfruitful methods forever. The next afternoon he gave a simple Bible reading about Jesus and the power of the Lord came down. From that day on, all D. L. Moody cared about was people seeing Jesus through his preaching and through his life.”
The power of God comes upon our lives when we tell about Jesus (“Ye shall be witnesses unto Me.”). Some of the greatest testimonies this pastor has ever heard began with the words, “Let me tell you what Jesus did for me.”
So, the book of Acts reveals the power of Jesus as seen through the lives of the Apostles, and hopefully, through our lives as well.
What to do:✞Let others see the power of Jesus through His power on your life.
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