Saturday, December 17, 2022

Daily Devotion: Jesus, Our Hope

Bible Reading: Titus 1:1-15 

Key Verse: Verse 2 - In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;”

Key Words: In hope of eternal life

The book of Titus shows us Jesus as our Blessed Hope. In chapter one and verse two, Jesus is our Hope of Eternal Life. In chapter two and verse thirteen, Jesus is our Coming Hope, and in chapter three and verse seven, again Jesus is our Hope of Eternal Life.

Have you ever studied that word hope? Best-selling author Barbara Johnson says that she lives by the motto, “Life is about 10% how you make it and about 90% how you take it.” Barbara writes about her personal sorrow. Her husband was in a near-fatal accident and slowly recovered from severe and debilitating injuries. She had one son die in the Viet Nam war, and another son was killed by a drunk driver. Her third son became a homosexual. With such a personal resume you can deeply appreciate her perspective on hope: “The cutest illustration of hope I’ve found,” she says, “is about a little boy standing at the foot of the escalator in a large department store. The young lad was intently watching the handrail. He never took his eyes off that handrail as the escalator kept going around and around. A salesperson saw him and finally asked him if he was lost. The little fellow replied, ‘Nope. I’m just waiting for my chewing gum to come back.’” Now, that’s hope.

Jesus is our Hope, and I’m just waiting for Jesus to come back. Amen!

What to do:
✞ Never give up.
✞ Never get down.
✞ Always look up. Jesus could come back today.

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