Thursday, December 15, 2022

Daily Devotion: Jesus, Our Mediator

Bible Reading: I Timothy 2:1-7 

Key Verse: Verse 5 - For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;”

Key Words: one mediator…the man Christ Jesus

In the book of I Timothy, we see Jesus as our Mediator.

In Old Testament times, the people of Israel went to the temple where there were many priests. These priests could go to God for the people and be a mediator on their behalf before God. But in the New Testament dispensation, that all changed. Paul is saying that there is only one mediator to Whom we are able to go, and that Mediator is Jesus Christ. He is the Only Way to God.

J. Vernon McGee told the following story some years ago, but it has stayed with me all these years.

One night while I was traveling in Canada and trying to get to Detroit, I was told that I needed to get onto a certain freeway, and that freeway would take me to my destination. But I was told if you miss that freeway, you’re in trouble. It took me some doing but once I managed to find the freeway, it took me straight to Detroit. I am thankful for the man who said, ‘There is only one way.’”

You know, I am thankful that someone told me that there is only one way to God, and that is through Jesus Christ. He is our Mediator, and He is the only Mediator Who can get through to God. Thank the Lord for Jesus Christ, our Mediator!

What to do:
✞ Make sure your Mediator is Jesus Christ.
✞ We live in a world that uses mediums (demons). Stay away from the false occults and religions, and stay with Jesus Christ.

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