Bible Reading: I Corinthians 10:24-33
Key Verse: Verse 31 - “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”
Key Words: Whether therefore ye eat [not if you eat]
Anorexia nervosa is not improper eating habits; it’s a refusal to eat. There are several reasons as to why young people, primarily teenaged girls, become anorexic.
- Trying to be perfect by the world’s standards.
- Feelings of inadequacy.
- Primarily, the feeling of no control over their own lives, overstressed dad or parents, etc.
- Loss of weight for no apparent reason.
- Obsessed with losing weight.
- A refusal to eat in public.
- Cut food up in small bites and moving them around on the plate instead of eating.
- First, teach your child early the importance of proper eating habits.
- Secondly, do not make weight an issue. So many parents do today.
- Thirdly, beauty contests are killers. Stay away from them!
- Fourthly, teach your child that Godly character is better than a good figure.
What to do:
✞ Beautiful character will last forever; a beautiful body lasts only awhile.
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