A free daily devotional from Mountain View Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL
Friday, March 29, 2019
Daily Devotion: X – For Christ
Bible Reading: Matthew 1:1-17
Key Verse: Verse 16 – “And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.”
Key Words: who is called Christ
In the Greek the letter X stands for Christ. In the American Heritage dictionary, you find the letter X stands for Christ.
While I am not in favor of people writing out Xmas during the Christmas season, the X does stand for Christ. Years ago it was a common practice of writing Xmas rather than Christmas. But nonetheless, X represents Christ.
J. C. Massee told of a friend who traveled a great distance for an interview with a distinguished scholar. When the man arrived, he received a cordial reception. Before being seated, he said to his host, “Doctor, I notice that the walls of your study are lined with books from the ceiling to the floor. No doubt you have read them all. I know you have written many yourself. You have traveled extensively, and doubtless you’ve had the privilege of conversing with some of the world’s wisest men – its leaders of thought, its creators of opinion. I have come a long way to ask you just one question. Tell me, of all you’ve learned, what is the one thing most worth knowing?” Putting his hand on his guest’s shoulder, the scholar replied with emotion in his voice, “My dear sir, of all the things I have learned, only two are really worth knowing. The first is that I am a great sinner. The second is that Jesus Christ is a Great Savior!”
Jesus Christ should be preeminent in our lives. Is He preeminent in yours?
What to do:
✞ Remember, what the sun is to the flower the Son should be to us.
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