Saturday, March 16, 2019

Daily Devotion: M - Misery

Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

Key Verse: Verse 2 - “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.

Key Words: all is vanity

Would you not agree with me that Solomon at this point in his life is a miserable person, in spite of the fact that Solomon proved to be a skillful diplomat, was great at developing a strong economy (I Kings 4:7-20), and was a great military leader (I Kings 9:15-19)? He built the temple of God. Solomon was a wise and remarkable man, but here he is now a miserable old man.

The following was taken from The Gospel Herald and gives us a pretty good glimpse into why Solomon was so miserable – and why so many others are miserable as well.

How to Be Perfectly Miserable
  1. Think about yourself.
  2. Talk about yourself.
  3. Use “I” as much as possible.
  4. Mirror yourself continually in the opinion of others.
  5. Listen greedily to what people say about you.
  6. Expect to be appreciated.
  7. Be suspicious.
  8. Be jealous and envious.
  9. Be sensitive to slights.
  10. Never forgive a criticism.
  11. Trust nobody but yourself.
  12. Insist on consideration and respect.
  13. Demand agreement with your own views of everything.
  14. Sulk if people are not grateful to you for favors shown them.
  15. Never forget a service you may have rendered.
  16. Be on the lookout for a good time for yourself.
  17. Shirk your duties if you can.
  18. Do as little as possible for others.
  19. Love yourself supremely.
  20. Be selfish.
The recipe is guaranteed to be infallible. So you want to be miserable? Simply apply the above and misery is assured.

What to do:
✞ The key to victory over misery is remembering that life is not about you; it’s about Jesus Christ.

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