Monday, May 15, 2017

Daily Devotion: This Is Your Life

Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 6:9-12

Key Verse: Verse 11- “Seeing there be many things that increase vanity, what is man the better?"

Key Words: what is man the better?

In essence, Solomon is asking, “What am I accomplishing?”

The speaker began his message by having a six-foot table covered with a cloth. He then sat a shoe box in the middle of the table saying, “This box represents your life; your time, resources, energy, ability all fit into this one box.” Then the speaker reached for several larger buckets, each containing toy blocks. These buckets contained colorful multi-shaped blocks. These blocks represent endless possibilities and opportunities.

The speaker goes on to say: “God has given you a finite life -- the box. It will only hold a determined number of these blocks. When all is said and done, there will be more blocks left on the table than will be in the box. You will say no to more things than you will say yes to. And God has delegated to you the responsibility to strategically place the right blocks into the box, and to wisely choose which blocks are left outside of the box. He has designed you for His purposes, and He has placed before you His opportunities. He promises His wisdom and guidance, but you must choose. Which blocks will you place in the box?”

As the illustration unfolded, the participants began to carefully choose blocks to place in the box. The box never grew larger, and there was no possible way to put all the blocks into one small box. The audience tried. At one point, with Solomon-like desperation one of the participants grabbed handfuls of blocks and tried to cram them in, pressing them down with the box top – to no avail. For every “yes” there were dozens of “nos.” For every block placed in, many were left out.

Such is your life! The point is choose what you want to put in “your box” carefully because your life will be measured by only what’s done for Christ.

What to do:
✞ Fill your box with Godly accomplishments.

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