Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Daily Devotion: Mary – The Woman Who Birthed the Messiah

Bible Reading: Matthew 1:18-25

Key Verse: Verse 16And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

Key Words:
And she shall bring forth a son

No doubt more people know of Mary than any other woman in the Bible.

While we do not know a tremendous amount about Mary other than she came from a poor home, she was eventually married to Joseph, the carpenter, and she was chosen by God to birth the Christ Child.  While she is not to be worshipped, she certainly holds a place of honor as the “Mother of Jesus” (Matthew 1:18).

Not only did Mary birth the Messiah, there is little doubt of her love and dedication to Him as well, as she was one of only three people who stayed with Him during His crucifixion, the others being Mary Magdalene and the Apostle John.

Mary’s love for Jesus is a demonstration of God’s love for us, as illustrated in the following story by J. Wilbur Chapman.

I remember seeing a mother once weeping over the dead body of her boy; and, as I stood there in dumb silence and heard her tell how she loved him, had borne him, sacrificed for him, served him; how she had given for him all the joy of her life, how she had trusted in him to be the stay of her closing years, and how only yesterday, after a life of sin, he had broken her heart by taking his own life, after refusing for months even to speak one word to her; and, as she wrung her hands and told me how he had disappointed her heart and blighted her past, I thought I had never seen such heart-breaking grief.

O, beloved, how must God feel about us after he has given his heart’s blood, put so many advantages in our way, expended upon us so much grace and care, if we should disappoint him.  It makes my spirit cry: “Who is sufficient for these things.”  The Lord help us to be faithful; help us never to put him to shame, but at last be able to say: “Blessed Lord, I have finished the work thou didst give me to do.”  Evermore I see before me the time when you and I shall stand on yonder shore and look back upon the years that have been, these few short years of time.  O, may we cast ourselves at Jesus’ feet and say: “Many a time have we faltered, many a hard fight has come, but thou hast kept me and held me.  Thanks be unto God who hath given me the victory through the Lord Jesus Christ.”

What to do:
✞ Be a personal demonstration of God’s love so that others can see Jesus in and through you.

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