Have you ever read the story of Deborah? She was a prophetess, a wife, and a judge in Israel. To say she was a leader would be an understatement.
In our text we see Deborah, the warrior. Deborah led ten thousand warriors into battle against Jabin and the army of Canaan.
As Deborah and her army arrives at the battlefield, they see Sisera with his nine hundred chariots of iron. Though they had far inferior equipment, they rose as one when Deborah said, “Up; for this day is the day in which the Lord hath delivered Sisera into thine hand:...” (Judges 4:14), and so it was. Deborah was indeed a picture of courage, as we all should be.
Now our courage may not be on foreign soil in the heat of battle, it may be on our job or in our community; but we still need to be courageous for God’s glory.
Peter Cartwright, a 19th-century circuit-riding preacher, was an uncompromising man. One Sunday morning when he was to preach, he was told that President Andrew Jackson was in the congregation and was warned not to say anything out of line. When Cartwright stood to preach he said, “I understand that Andrew Jackson is here. I have been requested to be guarded in my remarks. Andrew Jackson will go to hell if he doesn’t repent.” The congregation was shocked and wondered how the President would respond. After the service, President Jackson shook hands with Peter Cartwright and said, “Sir, if I had a regiment of men like you, I could whip the world.”
Can God count on you to be courageous in the spiritual warfare of today?
What to do:
✞ Ask God to give you the courage to stand daily for righteousness for God’s glory.
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