Thursday, May 18, 2023

Daily Devotion: Elizabeth – A Miracle of God

Bible Reading: Luke 1:5-38

Key Verse: Verse 36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.” 

Key Words: Elizabeth, she hath also conceived

There are several things we know in regard to Elizabeth.  We know she was a cousin to Mary, the mother of Jesus.  We know that she was righteous before God and that she walked in the commandments of God.  We also know that she was well-stricken in age and well beyond her child-bearing years.  But this is nothing to an all-powerful God and so it was that she birthed the forerunner of Jesus: the man we know as John, the Baptist.

Elizabeth is a picture of the miraculous works of God.

The miracles of God are beyond human comprehension!!  Reminds me of the story of the little fellow who attended Sunday School for the first time.  The lesson on that Sunday was on Moses.  When the little fellow went home, his mother asked him what he had learned.  He replied, “I learned about Moses.”  “And,” the mother asked, “what exactly did you learn?”  “Well,” said the young lad, “I learned that Moses went behind enemy lines to rescue the Jews from Egypt.  The battle was hard and Moses had to call in air power from the Air Force and heavy artillery from the Army.  He had to ask for the engineers to build a pontoon bridge to get the Jews across the water.”  Finally the mother interrupted, “Did you really learn all that in Sunday School?”  “No,” replied the boy, “but if I told you what they really said, you’d never believe it.”

God is in the miracle business and Elizabeth is a picture of one of God’s miracles.

What to do:
✞   God gave Elizabeth a physical life.  But the greatest of all miracles is being born again spiritually.  Have you truly received the miracle of salvation?

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