Monday, May 3, 2021

Daily Devotion: LOSING HONOR

Bible Reading: John 4:1-26

Key Verse: Verse 10 – “Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.”

Key Words: living water

Have you ever considered the usefulness of water? Why, sure you have. We all know that water quenches thirst and that water cleanses, but water also dissolves. It can dissolve those things that would cause us to lose honor.

Several years ago a garbage truck exploded in Virginia. The trash crew had unknowingly picked up some calcium hypochlorite, and it blew up under the pressure of compaction. Two firemen ended up in the hospital and the poisonous gas forced many people to evacuate nearby office buildings. You might expect such an occurrence to take place outside an explosives plant, but these were swimming pool supplies. Calcium hypochlorite is a powder form of chlorine. It dissolves harmlessly in a swimming pool but explodes when placed under pressure. We share great similarities with this volatile chemical. When life’s pressures are not given opportunity to harmlessly dissolve, we run the risk of exploding on our families, neighbors, and colleagues.

So let me encourage you to let the water of God dissolve those things which could cause you to lose your honor.

What to do:

Keep your temper; nobody else wants it.

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