Thursday, May 20, 2021


Bible Reading: Romans 12:6-18

Key Verse: Verse 11 - “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;

Key Words: fervent in spirit

The word fervent speaks of one’s intensity, their determination. It is an athletic term and carries the idea of running in a race, stretching to reach the top, giving his all.

Paul says in Romans 12:11 we are to put all of our spirit into serving God. This is honorable service.

Have you watched the fellows and gals who run the dash? When they come around that last turn and they’re pressing for the tape, they’ll get right to the end and then they’ll lunge forward. I’ve even seen them fall right there on the track, because they’re pushing to reach the tape ahead of the one they’re competing against. It’s the idea of intensity at the tape, stretching yourself. Those who do the long jump leap into the air and throw their feet forward and they, with intensity, stretch every muscle of their body to reach as far as they can. It is the same with the high jumpers or with the pole vaulters. They stretch to the uttermost to reach the limit. That’s the word fervent and that’s what produces honorable service for God.

What to do:

✞ Honorably serve God by doing so with a fervent spirit.

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