Saturday, May 22, 2021


Bible Reading: II Timothy 3:1-15

Key Verse: Verse 15 – And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

Key Words: from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures

Something horribly wrong is happening to our society. We are losing the spiritual war in our homes. I read the following recently in Newsweek magazine. The article said “Shame: something our country is lacking. Our country has become shameless.” In an accompanying sidebar article, Kenneth Woodward wrote, “Ninety percent of Americans say they believe in God. Yet the urgent sense of personal sin has all but disappeared in our desire for ‘upbeat’ religion. In earlier eras pastors regularly exhorted their congregations to humbly confess their sins.” But the aging baby boomers who are rushing back to church do not want to hear someone who might rattle their self-esteem; and many pastors who are competing for members feel as though they cannot alienate potential members, so they compromise. The end result is weak homes.

Now please read this carefully! Whether we want to hear the truth or not is not the pastor’s problem. We, as pastors, are told to proclaim the Word of God, proclaim the truth, for by the truth people are made free. It is not a pastor’s place to fill the church auditorium, but it is certainly his place to correctly fill the pulpit. Our churches can be no stronger than our families, but our families will be no stronger than our churches. Our homes will never be strong if we continually make excuses for sin. We must live by truth and for truth. Truth is the Word of God. “Sanctify them by thy truth, thy word is truth (John 17:17). Satan’s chief weapons are lies and deception. The devil would rather peddle a lie than a barrel of whiskey or a kilo of illegal drugs. Satan would rather the home believe a lie than anything else. Just read Genesis, chapter 3. That is how he destroyed the first home.

Mom and Dad, we must truthfully evaluate ourselves and our home and ask: is God really honored in our home?

What to do:

✞ Honor God in your home and you’ll see a difference in your family.

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