Friday, November 10, 2017

Daily Devotion: The When of Teaching

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 6:1-15

Key Verse: Verse 7 – “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."

Key Words: when thou SITTEST in thine house, when thou WALKEST by the way, when thou LIEST down, when thou RISEST up

I get the idea that the teaching of our children the things of God is a continual process. Don’t you get that idea as well?

There was a man who was sitting on a bank kind of meditating, and he heard somebody screaming for help from the river. This man was an excellent swimmer. So, when he looked up and saw a man drowning, he dove in, got the man, and brought him to shore. As soon as he got to shore, he heard another cry for help. There was another man drowning. He jumped in again, swam, and brought the man to shore. Soon after, he heard yet another cry for help. He jumped in the river a third time and saved that man from drowning. This went on for five, six, and seven more times. He was totally exhausted trying to bring folk to shore. He had no energy left, and yet there were still people out there crying for help. He just couldn’t help them anymore. His get up and go had gotten up and gone. He looked up to heaven and said, “Oh, God! Please show me what’s happening upstream.”
Sometimes we try to deliver people without ever finding out what’s going on upstream at the place that is causing people to cry for help right now. Many adults are crying for help in their lives now because of things that started earlier, or upstream, in their lives. Much of the trouble in the life of a future adult can be addressed by parents who do their job when their children are young.

Upstream, in the beginning of a person’s life, God places children into families where they are to find love, acceptance, and value. Parents are the first line of defense for the well-being of life.

What to do:
✞ It’s never too early to begin to teach your children the things of God; but it’s best not to wait until it’s too late.

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