Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Daily Devotion: What Is Man?

Bible Reading: Job 7:17-21

Key Verse: Verse 17 - “What is man, that thou shouldest magnify him? and that thou shouldest set thine heart upon him?

Key Words: What is man that thou shouldest magnify him

We all know what the word “magnify” means—“to make larger; to increase size.” So those who we think are really “larger than life” really aren’t; God has just made them appear that way (verses 17-18). Promotion come from who you know more than what you know.

When Robert Kennedy was Attorney General he was reported to greet new lawyers entering the Department with the following message: “This may appear to be a large organization, but when you do something well, I will hear about it and it will go on your record. I want you to recall that I was recently a lowly worker in the Justice Department myself, but that I now serve as Attorney General, due to perseverance, long hours, hard work, and the fact that my brother became President of the United States, not necessarily in that order.

We also see on the other hand, God does keep man humble (verses 20-21). You see, when we think we are larger than life, God can remove the magnifying glass and let us see ourselves as we really are.

George Washington Carver, the scientist who developed hundreds of useful products from the peanut said: “When I was young, I asked God to tell me the mystery of the universe, but God answered, “That knowledge is reserved for me alone” so I said, “God, tell me the mystery of the peanut.” Then God said, ‘Well, George, that’s more nearly your size,’ and He told me.”

So what is man? Whatever God makes us!

What to do:
✞ Remember your size is whatever God wants it to be.

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