Sunday, April 25, 2021

Daily Devotion: Christians Apply The Bible

Bible Reading: James 1:17-27

Key Verse: Verse 22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”

Key Words: be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only

We are to be doers of the Word, not hearers only. In our everyday vernacular, this means apply what you learn.

I heard about a young Christian who went into a mission station in Korea to visit the pastor who was instrumental in his conversion. After the customary questions, the missionary asked the reason for his coming. “I have been memorizing verses from the Bible,” he said. “And I want to quote them to you.” He had walked hundreds of miles just to recite some Scripture verses to his mentor in the faith. The pastor listened as he repeated without error the entire Sermon on the Mount. He commended the young man for his remarkable feat of memory, and then cautioned him that he must not only “say” the verses but put them into daily practice. With his face aglow, the young man responded, “Oh! That is the way I learn them. I tried to memorize them, but they wouldn’t stick, so I developed a plan. First, I would learn a verse, and then I would talk to a neighbor who was not a believer and put the verse into practice. After doing this, I found I could remember the verse with ease.”

So let me challenge each of us, not just to read the Word, but live the Word. That’s really what a Christian does. Come to think of it, isn’t that why people call us Christians?

What to do:

✞ Remember, a Bible that is falling apart, probably belongs to someone who isn’t.

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