Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Daily Devotion: One Who Falls Beside Us

Bible Reading:  John 14:1-18 

Key Verse: Verse 18 – “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”

Key Words:  I will not leave you comfortless

The word comfortless in the Greek is an interesting word, orphanos.  It is where we get our word orphan.  Jesus is saying to his disciples that He will not leave them, or us, as orphans to defend ourselves and provide for ourselves, but that the Holy Spirit will come and comfort us.

Estella Myers, a missionary working among the Karre people of French Equatorial Africa, had tried to explain to the native helpers the meaning of the word comforter.  In order to find something fitting she explained the ministry of the Holy Spirit as “He encourages, exhorts, admonishes, protects, and guides the Christian.”

Finally they exclaimed, “Oh, if anyone would do all that for us, we would say, ‘He’s the One Who falls down beside us!’” 

When porters carry heavy loads on their heads and go on long journeys, they may become sick and struggle to the end of the line of carriers.  Finally, they may collapse and be killed and eaten by wild animals during the night.  If someone passing sees them prostrate and stoops to help them to safety, they speak of such a person as “the one who falls down beside us.”  It is this expression which the missionary translator took as the translation of comforter, for this is the One Who sustains, protects, and keeps the children of God on their journey toward their heavenly home.

What to do:
✞ Rely upon God – He will not leave you comfortless (as orphans).
✞ Remember your needs, protection, and guidance does not ultimately come from man, but from God; so thank Him and serve Him today and everyday.

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