Friday, October 28, 2022

Daily Devotion: Handling The Word

Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:13-24 

Key Verse: Verse 17- And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:”

Key Words: the sword of the Spirit

The Word of God is compared to any number of things, a mirror, a hammer, a fire; but in our text, it is compared to a sword. I came across this little gem of a story which illustrates the importance of knowing how to handle the Word of God. It is taken from Present-Day Parables as told by D. L. Moody.

I came up to Boston from the country and went into a Bible class where there were a few Harvard students. They handed me a Bible and told me the lesson was in John. I hunted all through the Old Testament for John, but couldn’t find it. I saw the fellows punching one another, ‘Ah, greenie from the country.’ Now, you know that is just the time when you don’t want to be considered green. The teacher saw my embarrassment and handed me his Bible, and I put my thumb in the place and held on. I didn’t lose my place. I said then that if I ever got out of that scrape, I would never be caught there again. Why is it that so many young men from eighteen to twenty cannot be brought into a Bible class? Because they don’t want to show their ignorance. There is no place in the world that is so fascinating as a live Bible class. I believe that we are to blame that they have been brought up in the Sunday School without Bibles and brought up with quarterlies. The result is, the boys are growing up without knowing how to handle the Bible.”

What to do:
    Know the Word so you can handle the Sword effectively.
    Learn at least one new Bible precept everyday.
    Pray for God’s wisdom.

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