Monday, September 5, 2022

Daily Devotion: The Purpose of the Home

Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:1-4, 10-18

Key Verse: Verse 1 - “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.”

Key Words: obey

The purpose of the Christian home is not just to get by or make another dollar or even to have a good time. The purpose of the home is to glorify God and to teach our children to follow God. Now, children do not just follow God by accident. Following God is a result of children obeying Godly parents.

This is not easy to do in our day. In his book, Lord, Send Revival, Richard Lee says that, by the time the average child is eighteen, he has listened to 20,000 hours of radio, watched 18,000 hours of television, and been to school 11,000 hours.

The same statistics revealed that a child who is brought up in the church has received about 1,000 hours of spiritual training...and we wonder why we are having problems with our teenagers today! It is because the average parents are not committed to Godly purposes in their child’s life.

Parents, do you pray for your children that God will help you to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4)? Do you pray that God will convict you when you fail to do so?

Children, do you thank God for your Godly parents that train and teach you in the way you should go? Do you obey them and live by the Godly principles they have established for your spiritual well-being?

The poet Coleridge was visited by a man who had a theory about raising children. He stated, “I believe children should be given a free rein to think and act and thus learn at an early age to make their own decisions. This is the only way they can grow into their full potential.” Coleridge made no comment but simply led the man to his garden that was filled with nothing but weeds. The wise poet declared, “My garden used to be filled with roses and flowers and beautiful plants, but this year I thought I’d let the garden grow as it willed without tending to it, and this is the result.”

Need I remind you that our children, like gardens, will not automatically flourish. They need daily care and direction.

What to do:

Give Godly instruction.

Raise your children in the house of God.

Correct them when they are wrong. Praise them when they do right.

Pray for them daily.

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