Monday, June 29, 2020

Daily Devotion: A Valuable Truth

Bible Reading: II Timothy 2:1-9

Key Verse: Verse 9 - “Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.

Key Words: but the word of God is not bound

Have you ever considered how valuable God’s Word is? It is valuable because it convicts (Hebrews 4:12); it converts (Romans 10:17); it corrects (II Timothy 3:16); it cleanses (Psalm 119:9); it conquers (Ephesians 6:17); and it comforts (I Thessalonians 4:18).

God’s Word is valuable.

An ancient fable tells of three merchants crossing the Arabian Desert. Traveling in darkness to avoid the intense heat, they came across a dry creek bed, when suddenly a voice cried out from the dark night and commanded them to stop. They were then ordered to pick up pebbles from the bed and put them in their pockets. They obeyed the strange command, and were then told to leave that area, which they did immediately. As they were leaving the voice told them that in the morning they would be both happy and sad. Shaken and confused, they journeyed on.

When morning came, the men anxiously looked inside their pockets; and rather than finding pebbles as expected, they found precious jewels. They, indeed, were both happy and sad. They were happy in that they had gathered precious jewels; they were sad because they could have gathered much more.

The fable illustrates to us a valuable truth. We are thrilled with what we have learned from God’s Word, but are sad because we could have learned so much more.

What to do:
✞ Take in God’s Word like a sponge.
✞ Dig for gold nuggets from God’s Word that can help you in life.
✞ Understand that God’s Word is not just a good book; it is a gold mine of great value.

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