Monday, December 3, 2018

Daily Devotion: Demus

Bible Reading: Philemon 1

Key Verse: Verse 24 - "Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my fellowlabourers."

Key Words: Demas

Demas is mentioned three times in the Scripture. We read about Demas in Philemon. Paul calls him a fellow laborer. We next read of Demas in Colossians 4:14. Here Paul simply says “...and Demas.” He has gone from being a fellow-laborer to being simply Demas. We next read of Demas in II Timothy 4:10 where we read, “For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world.”

Demas started well, but failed to end well.

Robert Clinton has done extensive research in the area of Biblical leadership. He has determined that there are approximately 300 leaders chronicled in the Bible. In 1990 he studied 100 of the most prominent of them. To his dismay, he discovered that less than one in four of these leaders finished well. Leadership in any arena is difficult, but it is especially rough among spiritual leaders because of the Satanic attacks which accompany the job. The odds of finishing well are clearly against those in ministry, so we must constantly seek spiritual empowerment and protection from God.

Each person in the ministry should read and heed this devotional. Each church member and believer should pray for those in spiritual leadership. While we should pray for our political leaders, we must understand that Satan’s attack is just as powerful and even more so on those in positions of spiritual leadership.

What to do:
✞ As leaders, make sure you’re always following God.

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