Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Daily Devotion: The Cost of Discipleship

Bible Reading: Matthew 10:24-42

Key Verse: Verse 38 – "And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me."

Key Words: worthy of me

At the age of 32, Scottish biologist Henry Drummond went on an exploratory venture into Africa. He visited the grave of David Livingstone, he saw missionaries laid low with tropical diseases, and he became ill with a raging fever that lasted for a month. He returned home with a greater depth of character, a profound compassion for the lost, and a new resolve to give himself to the service of his Master. To Drummond, meditating upon the suffering of Jesus Christ and seeing firsthand the sacrifice of those devoted servants helped him become a dedicated leader for Christ.

Now, leadership for Christ doesn’t call for an unwise fanaticism that invites persecution or that sees virtue in suffering. But to lead for our Lord, we must have the right priorities. Our motivation comes when we, like Drummond, reflect upon the price Christ paid for our redemption and think about the faithful servants of God who have given themselves unreservedly to His service.

In sharp contrast to this and to Jesus’ emphasis upon the high cost of leading for Him, some preachers assure their listeners that living for Christ guarantees health, wealth, and happiness. Then too, thousands who profess faith in Jesus attend church and live decent lives, but they are so conformed to this world that they neither impress nor offend anyone. Think about these questions: If we lived in the first century, would the ungodly be throwing us to the lions? Burning us at the stake? Let’s never forget that leadership for Christ is costly.

What to do:
✞ Be a spiritual leader, not for self glory but for God’s glory.

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