Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Daily Devotion: It’s A Matter of Honor

Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:1-10

Key Verse: Verse 2 - “Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;"

Key Words: Honour thy father and mother

The word honor means weighty. The idea is that your words and thoughts carry a lot of weight. The following story illustrates this point.

I had begged for a hunting dog and after much pleading, my dad finally consented with the understanding I would take care of the mutt. Well, several months passed and as is the norm for kids, I forgot my promise to take care of “Old Blue.” On one cold winter day, I decided it was just too cold to feed my hound. That night Dad, for reasons unbeknownst to me, asked, “Son, are you keeping your word and taking care of the dog?” I was tempted to lie, but parents have a God-given gift to look into your eyes and know when you are lying; so I ‘fessed up to the fact I had neglected my duties. I was immediately sent out to feed the dog and was then sent to bed.

The next morning I awoke suddenly sensing that something was different. I jumped out of bed and dashed down the hallway to the kitchen window and stared straight for the dog pen. Old Blue was gone! Dad had given him away because I failed to keep my word; but in giving Old Blue away, Dad had kept his word. That day I lost a dog but I gained honor for my Dad.

You see, raising our children is not a matter of what our children like or dislike. It is a matter of honor. How can a parent’s word be weighty when they do not do what they say?

What to do:
✞ Parents, keep your word. Children, honor your parents.

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