Bible Reading: Mark 9:38-50
Key Verse: Verses 44, 46, 48 – “Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched."
Key Words: where their worm dieth not
Have you ever noticed that the reference to the worm is personal, “their” worm.
The word worm means maggot, a worm that lives off dead bodies. So hell is a place where there is no death or annihilation, and that worms constantly are eating at one’s “flesh.”
What happens to people who die without Christ? They go to hell! There is no respectable way to say it. They go to HELL. For how long? Forever!
There is always the person who will say, “Wait a minute. I am not sure I believe in hell.” This is one chance that may not be worth taking. Certain things you can afford to make a mistake on, but this isn’t one of them.
If a man doesn’t have food, that’s bad but he can recover from that. If a man doesn’t have a good house, that’s bad but he can recover from that. If a man doesn’t have the best clothes, that’s bad but he can recover from that. If he doesn’t have the job he prefers to have, that’s bad but he can recover from that. If a man has to walk because he can’t afford a car, that’s bad but he can recover from that. No matter how bad a person’s finances are, they can recover from that. But if a man dies without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and wakes up in hell, that’s a blow that he can never recover from; and he will dwell forever in hell where his worm dieth not.
What to do:
✞ Remember, you can excuse yourself into hell but you can’t excuse yourself out.
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