Sunday, August 14, 2022

Daily Devotion: Homosexuality

Bible Reading: I Kings 15:1-15

Key Verse: Verse 12– “And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.”

Key Words: sodomites

In a survey by the Gallop organization, 3% of all Americans are homosexual. A gay advocacy group says that 10% of all Americans are homosexual. That percentage is high based upon other studies such as the one by UCLA and Focus on the Family, both of which agree with the Gallop survey.

Gallop goes on to say that of teens aged 13 to 17, 61% see homosexuality as being wrong, while 36% say they see no problem with the homosexual lifestyle.

The problem is that more and more the lifestyle of homosexuality is being pushed on our teens.

It is being taught as an acceptable lifestyle in the public schools in California, and will be taught in all 50 states in the next few years. Slowly, ever so slowly, the number of teens accepting this lifestyle will swing in favor of acceptance rather than rejection.

The Family Research Institute reports that the average age of a homosexual man dying with AIDS is 39. The average age of gays dying of all other causes is 41. (The average heterosexual married man lives 75 years.) Only 1% of men who practice homosexual sex lives to be 65 or older. Gay men are three times more likely to have alcohol or drug abuse problems. Homosexuals are 14 times more likely to have had syphilis, and 23 times more likely to contract venereal diseases.

While we love the person, we hate the sin; and homosexuality is a sin because it goes against God’s Word.

  • Genesis 1:28; 2:21-23; 4:1; 19:1, 4, 5, 24

  • Leviticus 18:22; 20:13

  • I Kings 14:22-24 (Sodomites or sodomy means copulation with the same sex.)

  • Romans 1:26-27

  • I Corinthians 6:9

Don’t let Hollywood and humanists set your values. Live by God’s Word.

What to do:
✞ You will never go wrong by doing right.

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