Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Daily Devotion: What Others Have Said

Bible Reading: Romans 15:18-28

Key Verse: Verse 23 – “But now having no more place in these parts, and having a great desire these many years to come unto you;”

Key Words: But now

You may think it strange that I use the two words but now. I use the two words but now as the key words to our Scripture reading for today. But they are vital and impressive words. The question is, “But now, today, where do you stand in the area of missions?”

Below I have listed ten statements that have impacted my life in the area of missions. I pray they will impact you as well.

  1. Part of the reason we are not praying (for missions) is that we have no investment there, either personally or monetarily.

  2. Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church – the glory of God is; but where you find the glory of God, you will always find missions.

  3. Giving to missions is not an obligation, it’s an opportunity.

  4. Missions is important to God. The way we know that is that Jesus was a foreign missionary.

  5. Missions is important to God. We know because every New Testament book was written by a missionary or about missionaries.

  6. Every believer needs a Biblical world view that dominates their life decisions.

  7. My greatest fear for our church is not failure. It is that we will learn to succeed in areas that matter not to God.

  8. Parents want the best for their children. This usually consists in the best that money can buy, not being in and doing the will of God.

  9. So far as the fundamental believing church is concerned, there is probably no other group our size and age that is doing less to reach the unreached world.

  10. The reason so few care about missions is that missions requires that we live, not for self, but for Christ.

What to do:

Pray for our missionaries: Bob and Sandy Piatt to Japan.

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