Sunday, November 29, 2020

Daily Devotion: The Well-Diggers

Bible Reading: John 4:7-26

Key Verse: Verse 14 – “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

Key Words: shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life

John G. Paton was the hero missionary of the New Hebrides islands in the South Seas. The people were savages, wore little clothing, and lived in a terrible state of sin. Mr. Paton had a time at first in getting the people to believe that he had a message from God.

Finally the water supply ran out on the island because of a lack of rain. The natives had never seen a well. Paton proceeded to dig one, and the digging of this well was really the beginning of the conversion of the people. On beginning the well, Paton told the chief that he believed God would give them rain from the hole in the ground. The only fresh water the natives had was that caught when it rained.

When Paton made this statement, great excitement prevailed. The chief and others declared that if Paton could bring rain from the hole in the ground, his must be the true God.

Finally the missionary, by digging to some depth, found a spring of living water. The effect upon the people was wonderful. The old chief asked the privilege of preaching a sermon at the Sunday services upon the well. This he did, emphasizing his earnest appeal by excitedly swinging his tomahawk. In the midst of his sermon he cried, “People of Aniwa, the world has turned upside down since the Word of Jehovah has come to this land. Who ever expected to see rain come up through the earth? From this day I must worship Him Who has opened up for us this well, and Who fills it with rain from below.”

During the week following this remarkable sermon great heaps of idols were burned in front of Paton’s house. The Christian teaching grew apace, and before many years there was not a heathen left on the island.

Today, you can do two things: first, you can be a well-digger by giving out the Word of God; and secondly, you can send forth well-diggers through your church missions program. So today, I challenge you – be a well-digger!

What to do:

Pray for our missionaries: John and Janet Pinnix to the backlands of Alaska.

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