Thursday, November 12, 2020

Daily Devotion: Pray for Our Missionaries

Bible Reading: Romans 12:10-19

Key Verse: Verse 12 – “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;”

Key Words: continuing instant in prayer

Just as you are comforted by knowing someone is praying for you, others are comforted by knowing you are praying for them. For this purpose we share prayer requests one with another that we may pray effectively. With this thought in mind, let us dedicate ourselves to pray for our missionaries. Let me suggest to you some things you can pray for and about concerning our missionaries.

  • Pray for the missionaries’ spiritual well-being and that the fruit of the Spirit would be evident in their lives.

  • As missionaries face new challenges almost daily, pray that they will have wisdom and knowledge for each situation.

  • Pray that the missionaries will be lovingly courageous and that those who hear the gospel message will have ears to hear and a heart to respond.

  • Pray for steadfastness. Often fruit is slow in developing in these foreign countries.

  • Pray for their families as they adjust and adhere to a new culture.

  • Pray for protection as our missionaries are on the spiritual battle front in the heat of the battle.

  • Pray for their physical needs: finances, food, housing, health, etc. Our missionaries need good health and strength to do the work God has called them to do.

As you pray, ask God to increase your vision and burden for the lost world. May God call to your remembrance our missionaries as you daily come before His throne in prayer.

What to do:

Pray for Kedesh and Stacy Jerome to the French West Indies

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