Monday, September 9, 2019

Daily Devotion: Void of Understanding

Bible Reading: Proverbs 9

Key Verse: Verse 1 – “Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars:

Key Words: she (wisdom) hath hewn out her seven pillars

There is much speculation as to what these seven pillars of wisdom may be.

Some say that the seven pillars are found in Proverbs 16, they are the seven things God hates. Still others believe that the Holy of Holies contained seven pillars and that comes from being in the presence of God. Still others believe that the seven pillars are found in Acts 2: the pillars of salvation, baptism, doctrine, fellowship, communion, prayer, and giving.

In Proverbs 9 we find Solomon inspired by the Holy Spirit of God writing to his son, Rehoboam. Inside this chapter, you find seven solid pieces of advice. It could be that these seven pieces of counsel are the seven pillars of wisdom.

Pillar Number One: prepare in advance (verses 2-3).

Pillar Number Two: partake of it all (verses 4-6).

Pillar Number Three: wisdom is practical in its advice (verse 7-8).

Pillar Number Four: wisdom is proper in its attitude (verse 9).

Pillar Number Five: wisdom is profitable in its application (verses 10-11).

Pillar Number Six: wisdom is piercing in its arm (verse 12).

Pillar Number Seven: wisdom is priceless in its association (verses 13-16).

When we are void of understanding we are bound for destruction.

I’ve been told that in certain portions of Africa that monkey meat is considered a delicacy, and that the men of Africa have a unique way of capturing the monkey. The monkey has a particular nut that he loves to eat so the natives will cut out a hole in the base of a tree just large enough for the monkey to fit its hand into. But if the monkey folds his fist, his hand will not come out of the hole. The Africans know that the monkey will not turn loose of the nuts; therefore, he is trapped. His choices are simply to turn loose of the nuts and live, or hang onto the nuts and thus he dies.

There are those who refuse to let go of their foolishness and grab hold of wisdom, and because of this they are bound for destruction. How sad!

What to do:
✞ Apply wisdom to every situation in your life.
✞ Turn loose of your vices and sins that are destroying you.
✞ We all have a choice to be wise or foolish. Which do you choose?

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