Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Daily Devotion: Our Words

Bible Reading: Proverbs 25

Key Verse: Verse 11 - “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.

Key Words: A word fitly spoken

In Proverbs 25:11-15, Solomon gives us five different types of words.

Verse 11: Our words should be fitting (not out of line or improper).

Verse 12: Our words should be wise. (A person who knows how to properly correct with words is a rarity.)

Verse 13: Our words should be refreshing. (In ancient times, snow was used very much as ice is today. In winter it was carefully put away so as to be available for cooling drinks in the heat of summer. The simile, therefore, is very easy to understand. As the cold snow refreshes the reapers in the hot days of harvest, so does the dependable messenger refresh the soul of those who place their confidence in him to deliver a message).

Verse 14: Our words should not be boastful. (A boastful person can talk up a hefty cloud and a good puff of wind, but they never produce anything of any substance.)

Verse 15: Our words should be soft. (We are reminded of Proverbs 15:1a, “A soft answer turneth away wrath.”)

I recently read about a woman who committed suicide. She left an unfinished note that simply read, “They said…” She never finished her final thought, but whatever “they said” was painful enough for her to extinguish her own life. We say “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Oh, how untrue! In this case, words literally killed. “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.”

What to do:
✞ Make your words 1) fitting, 2) wise, 3) refreshing, 4) not boastful, and 5) soft. Some good points to remember, don’t you think?

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