Sunday, November 4, 2018

Daily Devotion: Choose Carefully

Bible Reading: Acts 17:27-34

Key Verse: Verse 27 - "That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:"

Key Words: That they should seek the Lord

Along with the ability of our minds to receive, process and store information, God has given us the ability to make choices in life. One of those choices is to worship God or not to worship Him.

“Only two choices on the shelf: pleasing God or pleasing self.” ~ Ken Collier

Adam and Eve had a choice: obey God or disobey Him. So it was with Abraham, Jonah, Peter, etc.

In one of the Indiana Jones movies, Indiana was looking for the Holy Grail. When he and his team finally arrived at the site where it was located, he had to go through a number of tests to a specific room where it rested. He weathered death. He had to spell the name of Jehovah correctly in Latin. He had to take a step of faith across a deep precipice. Finally, making it through the test successfully, he came into a room with an assortment of cups. He was faced with the challenge of having to choose which one belongs to the carpenter from Nazareth. His enemies were pursuing him and they too would meet him in the room with an assortment of cups.

There was a guardian knight there, and that guardian knight said that the person who chose the cup must choose carefully. In fact, his exact words were “Choose wisely” because there were consequences tied to the choice. Choosing the wrong cup led to death. Choosing the right cup led to life.

Choices! Now, I’m not concerned about the Holy Grail. My concern is choosing between righteousness and rebellion, obeying God or disobeying Him. It’s a choice we make daily. Choose carefully.

What to do:
✞ Remember, first you make your choice, then your choice will make you.

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