Thursday, June 3, 2021

Daily Devotion: Unreasonable

Bible Reading: Isaiah 1:10-20

Key Verse: Verse 18 – “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

Key Words: Come now, and let us reason together

The plea of God to the nation of Israel was to come to Him and “let us reason together.” You can’t help the hurting, the lost or the wayward that are “unreasonable.”

Have you ever dealt with someone who is unreasonable?

Some time back I read a story about Abraham Lincoln and his two sons who were out for an afternoon walk when they came upon a walnut tree and found three walnuts. As they continued their walk they passed a neighbor who both heard and saw the two boys crying. The neighbor cried out, “Abe, what’s wrong with your boys?” to which Abraham Lincoln replied, “I have three walnuts and both boys want two.” Unreasonable! Most people who are unreasonable are self-centered; and as a result, someone gets hurt. Which raises the question: Have you been hurt by someone? If so, who was the unreasonable one? Was it you or the other person, or maybe both of you? Remember, it always pays to be reasonable.

What to do:

Be reasonable.

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