Monday, April 8, 2019

Daily Devotion: Did You Know About Miss America?

Bible Reading: I Peter 3:1-6

Key Verse: Verse 4 – “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

Key Words: let it be the hidden man of the heart

Today much of the emphasis of society is on outer beauty; but what about the inner beauty of a person? Let me ask, Do you know who won the first Miss America pageant? It was a 16 year-old schoolgirl named Margaret Gorman. She was the first to win the Miss America title. The pageant began in 1921, when Atlantic City merchants found a way to keep tourists in town after Labor Day. An area reporter coined the magic phrase Miss America. As Miss Washington, DC, Gorman vied with other “civic beauties,” all clad in short, wool bathing dresses, for the newly created crown. Her trophy was a golden statue of a mermaid. Returning as Queen of the Pageant to compete in the even bigger 1922 contest, she lost to Miss Columbus, Ohio. In 1923 she tried again, this time wearing a tanksuit. Then Gorman went home and married a real estate agent.

Life is not about outer beauty, it’s about inner beauty which comes through knowing Christ as Savior and an abiding life with Him. Oh, if parents would only teach that.

What to do:
✞ Outer beauty will get a man; inner beauty will keep him.

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