Saturday, January 19, 2019

Daily Devotion: A Tip About Values, Pt 2

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 10:26-33

Key Verse: Verse 31 – “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

Key Words: do all to the glory of God

If we each lived by these several words: “Do all to the glory of God,” it would totally change our world’s value system.

In a large city some very creative crooks broke in to a department store. They entered the store unnoticed and stayed long enough to accomplish their mission. You may wonder what they stole, but that’s just the catch. They didn’t take anything. Instead, these thieves switched the price tags. The tag on a $395.00 camera was removed and placed on a box of stationery. The $5.95 sticker on a paperback book was attached to an outboard motor. Everything was shuffled. When the store opened the next morning, you would have expected total chaos. Surprisingly, though, the store operated normally at first. Some customers literally got some steals while others felt the merchandise was overpriced. Incredibly, four hours slipped by before the hoax was discovered.

In the department store of American Culture, Satan as deceptively switched the price tags. Far more than four hours have passed since he did it. Things are valued more than people, pleasure is priced higher than faithfulness, profits mean more than integrity, and God has been priced for clearance.

What a shame!!

What to do:
✞ Do all for the glory of God.

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